13 Spectacular Light Decoration Ideas For A Well Lit Home

Over the last few years, light decor really grew in popularity. And with it grew the need for light decoration ideas for the home, and rightfully so! Because when executed properly lights can instantly make your room look that much better.

If you’ve followed any popular home decor page or channel on Instagram or YouTube you know what I mean. The room lighting tends to be immaculate in these well-designed rooms and makes them look that much better.

light decoration ideas for home

But how can you do that? What are some simple yet effective ways you could use light to transform the look of your home?

Well, you’ve come to the right place! If you’re looking for inspiration for a few simple yet breathtaking light decoration ideas for your home, keep reading!

Light decoration ideas to brighten up your home

Lighting decor is now super trendy and popular. But if you’re unsure how to utilize this trend here are some easy light decoration ideas for your home, number 13 is my favourite!

1. The perfect balcony

light decoration ideas for home

You may or may not have a balcony. But if you did, wouldn’t you love for it to look like this? This space looks so inviting and so cozy and is such a simple idea, yet so unique!

Who would have thought you could make a balcony look so good! And even better it looks so inviting! The string lights and candles also add a sense of calm to the atmosphere too!

2. Brighten the corner of your room

light decoration ideas for your home

Using lights to decorate a small corner of a room can be a great simple and effective decor idea that shows you don’t necessarily have to worry about changing the entire room for major impact.

You could choose to only hang lights in a small corner of the room and it would still change the look and feel of the space.

3. Hang seasonal lights

light decoration ideas for your home

Now the string lights on the mantle is one that anyone could copy and make it look amazing. These lights look great and fit the fall theme really well. Very effective!

They nailed it with these string lights! And even better it looks like a really easy idea to copy and make your own.

4. Create an accent wall

light decoration ideas for home

Who needs a headboard when you’ve got a wall like this? If you’re not sure what to do with the blank space on the wall above your bed, instead of putting up artwork or a picture why not hang lights?

These lights work particularly well for brightening up a room and looks great too!

5. Shine a light on your memories

light decoration ideas for home

Ditch the frames and the artwork and showcase your greatest memories instead! And what better way to show them off than by hanging them on the wall with lights?

This light decoration idea serves two purposes. One, you get to put up as many of your favorite pictures as you want and two, you’ll have an awesome wall display you’ll be happy to show off!

6. Showcase your keepsakes

light decoration ideas for home

If you have keepsakes you love to show off, go a step further and add some lights around them too. The idea is simple, subtle and can make a not so glam area of your home really pop.

7. Brighten up your vanity

Lighting decor

If you have a makeup table then this is something you may want to try. You already know that when it comes to putting on makeup lighting is everything. You can never have too much light!

So go ahead and hang some fairy lights and brighten up your vanity so you can take your makeup game to the next level.

8. Light up your bed

Lighting decor ideas

Hanging string lights on or around your bed is now a thing. I’m not sure when it started or by whom but if you’re ever been scrolling through social media and look around on the big home decor pages you probably know what I mean.

It’s still a great idea though. For one It gives good light for reading in bed and depending on on where you have them, they can be very cozy and romantic.

9. Themed table lights

Lighting decor ideas

This is a neat idea. Instead of just using candles why not add some other source of night to your table (string lights or bulbs etc) and make it part of the decor.

Again this isn’t a hard thing to copy and that’s what I love about it. Because sometimes you’re inspired by a beautiful room but get stumped when it’s time to actually recreate it.

10. Say it with a neon sign

Lighting decor ideas

This is such a great modern take on a vintage idea. I feel like neon signs were really popular back in the day (yup they were), faded and are catching on again.

This is a great trendy decoration idea that’ll help bring more light into your home.

11. Have an accent corner

Lighting decor ideas

If you have a corner or wall in your home you’re not quite sure what to do with, this might be the perfect idea.

Hang a few floating shelves, a mirror like the one in the picture above, some throw pillows and brighten it up with a few well placed candles and string lights! Yup it’s that simple but looks great.

12. Cozy up your living room

Lighting decor ideas

This is a wonderful example of using light decorations to make a room feel warm and inviting.

The furniture, colours and plush pillows alone already add warmth but the placement of the candles and the string lights placed around the room adds even more to the peaceful atmosphere. This is very well done!

13. Light up your balcony retreat

Lighting decor ideas

If this was my balcony I’d never go in side. This space looks so inviting, from the soft pillows, the blankets, the soft lighting, the food and the dog. It all harmonizes so well.

This is a really good example of lightening being part of a rooms decor and elevating it.

What next?

No, using string lights, or other types of light decoration isn’t tacky. Infact its a popular home decor trend right now. And the best part is it doesn’t have to break the bank so most people can afford to do it.

Not everyone can tear down walls, renovate, and upgrade but most people can afford some basic string lights or bulbs etc. And that might even be all you need!

Hopefully this list gave you some great inspirational ideas for how to add light decorations in your home. Most of these ideas are fairly easy ones that you could copy and make it your own in no time with a bit of creativity!